Going Hiking Tomorrow 明天要远足
Going Hiking Tomorrow 明天要远足
Author: 方素珍
Reading Assistance: None
Pages: 87
Characters: Simplified
Cover: Hardcover
The Fang SuZhen Creative Learning Book Series is a collection of five books authored by the renowned Taiwanese children's literature writer Fang SuZhen. These books feature children's poems and illustrated stories imbued with life's philosophy and written in elegant language. They are illustrated by five outstanding Taiwanese artists, each showcasing a different artistic style that reflects the exquisite nature of picture books.
Renowned children's literature critics from both sides of the Taiwan Strait provide commentary on the books, allowing readers to appreciate the brilliance and charm of the picture books under their guidance. Additionally, there are creation notes from the author Fang SuZhen, narrating the stories behind the creation of the works.