Magic Tree House4: Pirates Past Noon 神奇樹屋4-海盜的藏寶圖
Magic Tree House4: Pirates Past Noon 神奇樹屋4-海盜的藏寶圖
Author: 天下遠見出版
Reading Assistance: Zhuyin
Pages: 163
Characters: Traditional
Cover: Paperback
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Magic Tree House series is for young reader. Jack and his little sister Annie are just two regular kids from Frog Creek, Pennsylvania. Then they discover a mysterious tree house packed with all sorts of books...and their lives are never the same! Soon they are traveling through time and space in the magic tree house and having amazing adventures.“神奇樹屋”系列描述一對小兄妹傑克與安妮的冒險故事。八歲半的哥哥傑克理性冷靜,喜歡看書,他會將沿途看到的事物記錄在筆記本上;而七歲的妹妹安妮,喜愛幻想與冒險,並且勇於嘗試。這兩個一動一靜、個性截然不同的兄妹,在森林裏發現了一個堆滿書的神奇樹屋,神奇樹屋就像時光機器,帶他們到一個個不同的時空中旅行。於是,兄妹倆來到史前時代的恐龍谷。和騎士探訪中古世紀的城堡,到古埃及破解木乃伊的秘密,跟著海盜出海尋寶……每一次的冒險都緊張刺激、精彩得不得了,更能讓你在趣味中掌握不少知識呢!書中配有原汁原味的英文,能讓小讀者在步入高年級以後進行英文閱讀! 內文中英雙語對照附注音