Don Quijote de la Mancha 唐吉訶德
Don Quijote de la Mancha 唐吉訶德
Author: 三采文化
Reading Assistance: Zhuyin
Pages: 224
Characters: Traditional
Cover: Paperback
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Riding an old, frail horse and carrying a rusty lance, Don Quixote uses all his persuasion to convince the farmer Sancho Panza to join his quest. But as their journey begins, Don Quixote mistakes a windmill for an evil giant, a flock of sheep for an invading army, and village girls for noble ladies. The bumbling knight causes endless laughter with his misadventures. But how will this chaotic tale finally end? And why has Don Quixote inspired countless great writers over the centuries?
騎著一匹瘦弱的老馬、帶著一柄生鏽的長茅, 唐吉訶德費盡口舌要農夫桑丘加入他的冒險之旅。 沒想到,旅途才剛開始, 唐吉訶德就誤認風車是邪惡的巨人, 又把一群綿羊當成一群敵國軍團, 甚至將村姑當作貴婦般對待……。 傻氣的騎士鬧出了無數笑話, 最後到底該怎麼收拾這齣鬧劇? 為什麼唐吉訶德最後會啟發無數偉大的作家呢?