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Robin Hood 俠盜羅賓漢

Robin Hood 俠盜羅賓漢


Author: 三采文化

Reading Assistance: Zhuyin

Pages: 216

Characters: Traditional

Cover: Paperback

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The legend of Robin Hood has been told in the Western world for centuries, enduring as a timeless symbol of freedom, equality, and justice. Though the story has taken on various forms, it always revolves around the common people’s struggle against exploitation and their desire for freedom. This band of merry outlaws never robbed the poor but rather stole from the rich to give to the needy. Their way of life was guided by a sense of humanitarian restraint—they avoided unnecessary violence, celebrated romantic poetry, and cherished love and ideals.

羅賓漢的傳說在西方世界流傳許久,擁有數百年的歷史,卻歷久不衰的流傳至今,成為西方文化中自由、平等、公義的代名詞。 故事或許有各種不同的變形,但是大多圍繞著百姓反抗剝削、爭取自由的願望。 這群綠林大盜從不打家劫舍,而只劫富濟貧,他們的生活中有人道主義的節制,從不肆意打殺,而且還有浪漫的詩歌,並且對於愛情有所嚮往。

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