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Tarzan 泰山

Tarzan 泰山


Author: 三采文化

Reading Assistance: Zhuyin

Pages: 216

Characters: Traditional

Cover: Paperback

Regular price $13.99 USD
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"Ahhh—eee—ahhh—eee!" Tarzan swings through the jungle, grabbing branches as he chases the fierce leopard Sabor in an adrenaline-pumping race! Though Tarzan isn’t as bulky as the other gorillas, his agility rivals them all. Every day in the jungle brings new adventures and discoveries. But today feels different—there’s an unusual tension in the air. A human expedition has arrived, and they seem to know more about Tarzan’s past than he does. Worse yet, they’re planning something that could harm the forest… Will Tarzan uncover the truth about his origins and protect his jungle home?

「喔—咿喔咿喔!」泰山遠遠的抓著樹枝盪過來, 森林裡的頭號殺手花豹悉達,正和他進行刺激的森林追逐戰! 雖然泰山不像其他大猩猩那樣壯碩,但身手可一點都不遜色於其他大猩猩。 在這裡,他每天都有探索不完的新鮮事。 這一天,森林裡似乎瀰漫一股不尋常的氣息…… 原來,一支人類探險隊來到森林,對於泰山的身世,他們似乎比他知道得更多。 而且,他們正蠢蠢欲動想做出傷害森林的事……

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