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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 湯姆歷險記

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 湯姆歷險記


Author: 三采文化

Reading Assistance: Zhuyin

Pages: 236

Characters: Traditional

Cover: Paperback

Regular price $13.99 USD
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Some stories shine brighter over time; some characters, when looked back upon after growing up, leave a mark on childhood dreams. The San Cai Western Classic Fairy Tales series captures these timeless stories and brings them to today’s children, delivering the magic of classics to their lives. Because when children read classics, they are nurtured by them in return.

Can mischievous and crafty kids find the courage to face their mistakes and stand for justice? Tom, can you do it?

Everyone in town knows it—Tom from Aunt Polly’s house isn’t just the naughtiest kid on the block; he might just be the most mischievous kid in the entire town! Tom spends most of his time causing trouble with Huck, the homeless boy, and has no interest in anything else but playing. But today, he’s been punished with painting the fence! If only the wall could just vanish… Wait, isn’t that Jim coming by with a bucket? Could there be a trade? What will happen next?

有一些故事在經過時間淘洗後,會越發閃亮;有一些角色在成長之後回望,才知道他們為自己留下童年與夢。 三采西方經典童話要為現代孩子捕捉這些經典,把這些故事和好朋友,帶到孩子面前。 因為當孩子閱讀經典時,其實正被經典所呵護。

調皮搗蛋、耍小心機的孩子, 是否有面對錯誤、堅持正義的勇氣? 調皮的湯姆,你辦得到嗎?

街頭巷尾的人都知道,波麗阿姨家的湯姆是整條街、不,他根本就是整個鎮上最調皮的小孩了!湯姆跟無家可歸的哈克經常在一起搗蛋, 除了玩,其他的事情一概都沒興趣,而今天竟然還被罰刷油漆!如果這面牆可以消失就好了……迎面而來的,不是吉姆嗎?看來他是要去抬水,如果可以交換……會發生什麼事呢?

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