Happy Readers: The Spider’s Curse 小兵快樂讀本: 蜘蛛絲魔咒
Happy Readers: The Spider’s Curse 小兵快樂讀本: 蜘蛛絲魔咒
Author: 王洛夫
Reading Assistance: Zhuyin
Pages: 72
Characters: Traditional
Cover: Paperback
There was a pet dog who was tied to a tree all day, feeling lonely and helpless. One day, he discovered a tiny egg, which soon hatched into a little caterpillar. The dog, full of curiosity, tied the caterpillar to himself with his whiskers, planning to care for it as his new pet. Just then, a fierce old spider appeared, ready to bite the little caterpillar. The dog barked loudly, scaring off the spider. Angry and vengeful, the old spider cast a wicked curse… What happens next? This heartwarming and adventurous tale teaches children the importance of empathy, compassion, and respecting all forms of life.
有一隻寵物狗,成天被拴在樹下,既寂寞,又無奈。有一天,他發現一顆小小的卵,孵出一隻小毛蟲,小狗異想天開的用鬍鬚拴住小毛蟲,想要把他當寵物,好好照顧他。 這個時候,出現了一隻兇惡的老蜘蛛,要咬小毛蟲;小狗汪汪叫,嚇退了老蜘蛛。老蜘蛛很生氣,便下了一個惡毒的詛咒…… 接下去的發展是什麼呢?小朋友可以在有趣又溫馨的故事發展中,學會將心比心,尊重生命的態度。